My Story ...

As the son of a Nascar driver, I learned mechanical hands-on skills from an early age. I went on to study engineering. While working as an engineer I was also a serious athlete, playing ultimate frizbee at a professional level. In my twenties I started practicing yoga to balance out the aerobic and anaerobic training.

My interest in the human body grew when I  experienced physical therapy for knee injuries. I was drawn to study the healing arts - massage, foot reflexology, Trager, jin shin jitsu, Feldenkrais, Continuum Movement, reiki, traditional Chinese medicine, ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, herbology and dietary medicine. I was delving deeply into learning and absorbing healing principles as I both gave and received treatments. 

A transition point for me came when I left my engineering job and went to the Finger Lakes School of Massage in Ithaca, NY, a school known for its progressive and integrative teaching style. I opened my own clinic in 1997, and shortly thereafter I began studying craniosacral bodywork at the Upledger Institute. I spent the next 10 years intensively studying the modalities of osteopathy including visceral manipulation, lymphatic drainage, and zero balancing. I began assisting in the teaching of cranial classes for the Upledger Institute, teaching at the Onondaga School of Massage, as well as developing and teaching my own bodywork classes. Since then, teaching has been a creative means of sharing my growing understanding of the healing process, human anatomy, and energetics of the body.

I decided to continue my education by attending the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy in Hamilton, Ontario. This training gave me the framework for integrating all my previous specialized osteopathic studies. At the Academy, I was able to study Doctor Wernham’s principles and body adjustment model with a highly-skilled staff of teachers including Dr. Bezilla, a graduate of an American osteopathic medical college. I spent the following years developing and deepening my understanding of the osteopathic principles in my work with patients. 

My lifelong interest and practice of music moved me toward exploring sound healing. I completed an in-depth program of study at the Sound Music Institute in NYC. This launched my understanding of auditory and vibrational harmonics and harmonic touch. Bringing sound healing to my practice at the clinic has been an extremely positive experience for me and my patients.  

Every day, I feel grateful and inspired in my work with people, as we share in the experience of each healing session. I look forward to continuing on this exciting journey that has been so personal and healing for me.
