This full-day training with Joseph Schmidlin, DO covers the principles of sound healing in an interactive lecture/discussion/demonstration format. Through extensive hands-on instruction (with table work), you will learn how to work with tuning forks in a therapeutic way for yourself and your clients, to promote physical health, vitality and creativity. This training is designed with bodyworkers in mind, but other interested persons will find it fascinating and are welcome to register based on space availability.
Sound healing utilizes the art and science of the sonic ratios present in nature and the human body. Tuning forks offer a non-invasive method of healing and consciousness development. Tangible benefits include improved circulation and breathing, as well as reduced neuromuscular tension, joint pain & swelling and. Perhaps the most ancient healing modality in human evolution, sound vibration when properly applied stimulates the body's self-healing capacity, distributing essential neurochemicals and thus resetting the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. On an energetic level, specific sound frequencies have the effect of cleansing, clearing and balancing the body's auric field. Clients often report an immediate brightening of mood and a lasting sense of heightened well-being.
$140. Special offer! $125 with completed registration and payment by 3/16.
To Register: Contact Priscilla Auchincloss at (or leave a message at 585.721.4220)
Location: Brighton Pathways to Health, 3200 Brighton-Henrietta Town Line Rd, Rochester, NY 14623.